Friday, December 4, 2009

The countdown has begun!

Christmas is coming and faster than you think! Doesn't it always seem to happen that way? We think we have still have enough time to decorate the house, put up lights, bake those cookies, send out Christmas cards, shop for and wrap the gifts.... Now you know what's going on in my head these days!

I had a great conversation with a friend the other day about all those "stressers" I was feeling and the disappointment I felt in feeling stressed! I don't want to lose the feelings of wonder and magic that accompany preparing for Christmas. She gave me the most simple answer in just four words. "You need to pray."

I admit that with all of the pitter patter of little feet going on in my house these days I am not finding much time to be on my knees. Oh I talk to God all day long ("Please, Lord, please help me not to strangle my child for the mess she has just made!"), but it's not the kind of peaceful, attentive prayer that every mom should have at least once a day. The kind where we listen for our Savior's voice.

Preparing for Christmas is a great time to remember that we should be doing just that. Finding time to be still and listen. You can do it by waking up just 5 minutes earlier than usual, in the shower, while the kids are busy with an activity or even nap/quiet time. Just find a time during the day to "fall on your knees" and seek his voice. He came to earth thousands of years ago to meet us where we were. I think he will do the same for us today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Being Thankful

As Thanksgiving approaches I know, as mothers, we want to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness and contentment in our families. So how do you do that? Where do you begin? I have come across several good resources and I would like to share them with you.

It makes sense to me to start at the beginning. So I like to talk with my children about the pilgrims voyage over to America and what we call "the first Thanksgiving." I have a great cd/book combo that they can listen to while we are in the car or coloring relevant pictures that I print for them. (google pilgrim/indian/mayflower coloring pages) This audio is historically accurate, biblical, and entertaining. The book follows the audio word for word so you can either follow along or read it separately. You can purchase both at

I have also found other books that are just as accurate and helpful through

Some of my favorites are Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving, by Eric Metaxas; Give Thanks to the Lord, by Karma Wilson; and Thanksgiving, A Harvest Celebration, by Julie Stiegemeyer.

I like other ideas I have seen that encourage you and your children to think about the things they are thankful for and put them in a blessing box or special notebook. You could start writing those things down every day and then read them all at Thanksgiving. Or you could write them down before your meal on Thanksgiving Day and go around the table, reading them out loud. Even the littlest ones can participate by drawing what they are thankful for.

Focusing on others is a great way to be thankful and share what God has blessed you with. We have friends that have gone to homeless shelters to serve food (this can be done anytime of the year) or simply invited someone over who may not have family to celebrate the day with.

I found this article on Focus on the Family's website.
In it are ideas that are age specific, from reading a story to coloring on a tablecloth, and collecting can food. All while teaching your children about being thankful.
I would love to know what other ideas you have or traditions you already participate in. Feel free to post them in the comment section below. Let's help cultivate the next generation of hearts that are thankful for the provisions, spiritually and physically, that the Lord has given to us.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How does God want us to train our children?

This is sooo timely. There has been another great series airing on the radio and via podcast from Family Life. It is on the topic of parenting from birth through the "early years" and it addresses everything that has to do with training and discipline from a biblical perspective. Even the topic of spanking, which is part of our next bible study lesson. (Which is why I am so excited about the timing on this!) In fact it is a series that they have made into a video for small group studies. I think it would be awesome to do with other couples. Here is the link to the broadcasts. There are five in the series.

As always, I encourage you to sit down with your spouse and tackle these, one or two at a time in the evenings when kids are tucked in for the night. What a great way to discuss the issues of parenting that can be so hard to find time for or know how to initiate. This will be worth your time, I promise!

I pray that we will continuously seek the Lord and his Word for guidance as we train our children to serve and love him also.

Now...go listen!! (smile)

Friday, September 18, 2009

I have an announcement....

I am excited to say that we are officially set for our Fall Bible Study! Start date is October 6th and will continue every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. And I am pleased to announce that our very own Danna is going to be leading us through book 3 in our series, Ancient Paths for Modern Women. Thank you Danna for stepping out in faith on this one!

I know everyone is anxious to get going on this and I will let you know as soon as the books are in so you can have them in hand. The exact cost is unknown until we get them all because we had to order from several different sources, but I expect it to be around the same amount as last time ($10). Let me know if cost is a problem for you, but you would still like to attend.

We are still in need of childcare helpers so if you think of anyone that can help us out please feel free to let me know. The commitment is only 2hrs once or twice a month.

Playgroup is also officially meeting the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays at 9:30 at the church in the Pre-K/Kindergarten room if you’d like to join us. We will still need to bring snacks and maybe creamer if we want to use the church’s coffee. This is just a temporary meeting place until we can meet again at someone’s home, but it gives us a way to meet and encourage one another while our little ones play. You are welcome to come even if your children are in school. It is always good to connect with other moms!

Don’t forget, as we approach the cold and flu season, to keep your children out of childcare/playgroup if they have had a fever, diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24hrs (as is our church’s policy).

Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Need a laugh?

I know I do! I am usually the more "serious" one in the family. Seeing as I have 5 children, I mean 4 children and a husband who still knows how to access his inner child, I feel like I need to be the one who brings order to chaos and quiet to an otherwise noisy household. But I am thankful that my husband is the jokester and more playful one. He does know how to make me laugh and when I do I often realize that I have not done so in a very long time.

So the other day he came home and told me about a very funny interview Family Life had done with Christian comedian Tim Hawkins. You may have heard of him. He is one funny guy, father to four and a homeschooling dad. (I can see my husband rising to the challenge now!) So- all you transcript readers- listen up! YOU CANNOT READ THIS ONE! You have to listen to it. Put the kids to bed, grab your husband and a cup of coffee (or bowl of ice cream or if you're trying to lose those 10 summer food pounds- your sewing project) and get ready to laugh!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Due to scheduling conflicts, this Tuesday's playgroup (July 28th) will be held at Jena's house. If you need directions contact Jena or myself.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Journey called Motherhood

I was sooo encouraged to hear some of this stuff I had to pass it on to you. I always need to be reminded what path I am on, why I am on it, and that I (and my children) will arrive at my destination safely.

Take a listen to this: or read the transcript. It is a panel of women who answer questions that other wives and moms are asking. Questions like: "If you could have a "do over" in life, what would you want to redo?" These women give great insight to us younger women about being a mom and a wife and how we can make the best decisions today and not have regrets for tomorrow. It is a two part series.

There is one more you need to listen to or read. It is a Q&A with Family Life founder Dennis Rainey's wife Barbara Rainey. She is a godly woman who juggled the demands of raising six children, homeschooling and a husband in ministry. Her insights to the questions she was asked were just what I needed to hear one day. So I want to share them with you.

May you feel encouraged and inspired!

a daughter of the King,

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Links

If you haven't looked around the page lately look down at the area reserved for quick links to other time worthy sites. I have added some recently, specifically links to those sites with great resources we have talked about in bible study. One of those websites is Family Life and a Family Life Moms Blog which also offers great little reads that will encourage you or give you a laugh as we journey this road called motherhood together.

I really cannot say enough great things about the ministry of Family Life. I am a podcast listener mostly these days and often find myself listening to their broadcasts in the car as I drive to the store or wherever I am going. Sometimes I skip a message I cannot quite get into, but for the most part I am amazed at the relevancy these topics and lessons have in my life.

A couple of months ago I listened to a series on the importance of books in your life and your children's shaping the moral character of their lives.
They gave descriptions of these stories and they were fascinating!
available to purchase directly from Family Life. Or go directly to Lamplighter Publishing to see their list of recommended reading for your child's age.
Whether you like to read or not you'll want to buy them all!

Family Life is heard on 93.9 KPDQ at 9:30 am and on 102.3 Way FM at 10pm on Sundays.

Not to be forgotten is the also impactful Focus on the Family heard on 93.9 KPDQ at 7 and 11 am and at 8 pm.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Age-Appropriate Chores

This is a great article in a series from Focus On The Family's website. If you have ever wondered just what chores you should be encouraging your children to help out with these tips will help you!

Age-Appropriate Chores
Do you know which chores your child can do?

by Sheila Seifert
Focus On The Family

Other articles in series:
Age-Appropriate Chores
Trade Chores With Your Kids
Inspire Your Kids to Do Chores
My Child Won't Do His Chores
My Teen Won't Do His Chores
Next Steps / Related Information

What chores are important for your children to learn, and what are they capable of doing?
First, recognize the difference between a chore (an ongoing task that benefits the household) and a life skill (an activity that children should know how to do before living on their own, such as managing a checking account). The following list does not include life skills. It is a list of chores.
Second, remember that every child matures at a different pace. Adjust this chart to what you know about your children's skills and talents, and realize that no child should do all of the chores listed below every day.
With those two qualifiers in mind, here are some general guidelines for personal and family chores. This list is only meant as a guide and reflects the types of chores that many children in these age ranges are capable of completing:

Ages 2 and 3

Personal chores:
Assist in making their beds
Pick up playthings with your supervision

Family chores:
Take their dirty laundry to the laundry basket
Fill a pet's water and food bowls (with supervision)
Help a parent clean up spills and dirt

Ages 4 and 5
Note: This age can be trained to use a family chore chart.

Personal chores:
Get dressed with minimal parental help
Make their bed with minimal parental help
Bring their things from the car to the house

Family chores:
Set the table with supervision
Clear the table with supervision
Help a parent prepare food
Help a parent carry in the lighter groceries
Match socks in the laundry
Answer the phone with parental assistance
Be responsible for a pet's food and water bowl
Hang up towels in the bathroom
Clean floors with a dry mop

Ages 6 and 7
Note: This age can be supervised to use a family chore chart.

Personal chores:
Make their bed every day
Brush teeth
Comb hair
Choose the day's outfit and get dressed
Write thank you notes with supervision

Family chores:
Be responsible for a pet's food, water and exercise
Vacuum individual rooms
Wet mop individual rooms
Fold laundry with supervision
Put their laundry in their drawers and closets
Put away dishes from the dishwasher
Help prepare food with supervision
Empty indoor trash cans
Answer the phone with supervision

Ages 8 to 11
Note: This age benefits from using a family chore chart.

Personal chores:
Take care of personal hygiene
Keep bedroom clean
Be responsible for homework
Be responsible for belongings
Write thank you notes for gifts
Wake up using an alarm clock

Family chores:
Wash dishes
Wash the family car with supervision
Prepare a few easy meals on their own
Clean the bathroom with supervision
Rake leaves
Learn to use the washer and dryer
Put all laundry away with supervision
Take the trash can to the curb for pick up
Test smoke alarms once a month with supervision
Screen phone calls using caller ID and answer when appropriate

Ages 12 and 13

Personal chores:
Take care of personal hygiene, belongings and homework
Write invitations and thank you notes
Set their alarm clock
Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries
Change bed sheets
Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning

Family chores:
Change light bulbs
Change the vacuum bag
Dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms and do dishes
Clean mirrors
Mow the lawn with supervision
Baby sit (in most states)
Prepare an occasional family meal

Ages 14 and 15

Personal chores:
Responsible for all personal chores for ages 12 and 13
Responsible for library card and books
Family chores
Do assigned housework without prompting
Do yard work as needed
Baby sit
Prepare food — from making a grocery list and buying the items (with supervision) to serving a meal — occasionally
Wash windows with supervision

Ages 16 to 18

Personal chores:
Responsible for all personal chores for ages 14 and 15
Responsible to earn spending money
Responsible for purchasing their own clothes
Responsible for maintaining any car they drive (e.g., gas, oil changes, tire pressure, etc.)

Family chores:
Do housework as needed
Do yard work as needed
Prepare family meals — from grocery list to serving it — as needed
Deep cleaning of household appliances, such as defrosting the freezer, as needed

Would you like help creating a chore chart? Download these PDFs and get started:

Chore Chart for Youngsters
Chore Chart for Tweens

Monday, June 15, 2009

Free Summer Activity

Are you looking for something to do this summer with the kids that will not hit you too hard in the pocketbook?

Regal Cinemas has started it's free summer movies program again. Check the Regal website to see movie choices.
From the Regal website:
Selected G & PG movies start at 10AM each Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival. First-come, first-served seating is limited to theatre capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer.
Tickets for our 2009 Free Family Film Festival are exclusively available at select theatres’ box office on the day of the show.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Peanut Butter Pie

A super yummy recipe from Jennifer:

Peanut Butter Pie

9-in. oreo pie crust or graham cracker pie crust (I prefer the oreo!)
3 oz. cream cheese (softened a bit to mix)
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup powdered sugar
12 oz. whipped topping, divided
peanut butter cups, crumbled for topping

In a large mixing bowl, cream together cream cheese and peanut butter until well combined. Mix powdered sugar in and 1/2 of the whipped topping. Scoop into pie crust. Frost pie with remaining whipped topping. Spread crumbled peanut butter cups on top. Refrigerate for several hours to set. Makes 8 servings.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Do YOU "coupon?"

Here is another food related post! I know we are all trying to be smart with our money these days and one of the best ways we can minimize our spending is in groceries! I have tried to cut back in this department, but admit I haven't gotten on the "coupon bandwagon" yet. Maybe between these two websites I am going to share with you, I will! And hopefully you will too!

I have copied an email that Megan sent out and wanted to share with everyone else in the group. It is in regards to the ever growing popular pastime of "couponing." I will let her email explain what she discovered.

Hello Ladies,

I went to a "couponing" class this week. It was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to "coupon" and save money on our grocery bills. I'm still trying it out but this week I went to Target and got 2 bottles of mayo, 2 bottles of Kraft BBQ sauce and 6 candy bars (Nick liked that part) for free!!! I was going to try and tell you all about it at the next play group but I just looked at her site tonight and she listed a way to get $75 of groceries for free but you have to sign up by June 5th so I thought I should share with you all. I think am going to try and check it out on Monday. Here is here site:, check it out and if you have questions I might be able to answer them for you or I would recommend one of her classes if you are interested in them. She says she does do classes for moms groups at churches so if there was enough interest she might do that too.

I am also putting in a link to a website called $5 dollar You may have heard about it on an episode of Rachel Ray. ( She talks about "couponing" as well and how she can't spend more than $5 on meal that she cooks for her family of four. She has recipes and pictures of many of the dishes she prepares. She also guides you in "couponing" and menu planning. And a side note, she professes to be a Christian. How cool is that?

So grab your coupons and check out these sites!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saturday Mornings = Pancakes

Here is the link to a fun pancake tip I found on the Rachael Ray Show website. This would be a great way to include your kids in helping make the breakfast. Also check out the "Pancake Ice-Cubes" idea. Share with the rest of us if you get a chance to try either of these ideas by leaving a comment!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tomato & Spinach Pasta Toss

This is a recipe that we really like at our house and is super easy! (Even the kids like it!) The sausage is our favorite part- it gives great flavor to the dish. Great for summertime cooking! It is from and the link is posted at the bottom. Enjoy! Jena

Tomato & Spinach Pasta Toss

Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 20 min
Makes: 6 servings, 1 cup each

2 cups rotini or penne pasta, uncooked
1/2 lb. hot or mild Italian sausage, casing removed
1 pkg. (6 oz.) baby spinach leaves (7 cups)
1 can (14-1/2 oz.) Italian-style diced tomatoes, undrained
1 cup KRAFT Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbsp. KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese

Cook pasta as directed on package.
Meanwhile, crumble meat into large deep skillet. Cook on medium-high heat 10 to 12 min. or until cooked through, stirring occasionally; drain. Add spinach and tomatoes; cook 2 min. or until spinach is wilted, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; cover to keep warm.
Drain pasta. Add to skillet along with the cheeses; toss lightly.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walking As Wives

The current book that we are studying, Walking As Wives, by Judy Gerry has been a wonderful study so far. We are learning about how to love our husbands which means everything from learning his likes and participating in them to making physical intimacy more of a priority in our marriages. Some of these things come naturally to us as women and others do not. And we have had some great discussion because of it!
The first few chapters have been more about ourselves as wives, being sensible and temperate. What does that mean? Well, being sensible is about our thought life, what goes on in our minds. We talked about not being mastered by our feelings and letting them control us (1 Corinthians 6:12). We also looked at 2 Corinthians 10:5 which talks about "taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ" and how thinking this way should enable us to live Godly lives at home and in front of others.

Then we talked about being temperate; "Exercising the self-control that is necessary to do what I know is right" as the author put it. And we discussed what it means to be "a slave to sin." (2 Peter 2:19) The bible warns us to stay clear of "certain practices and activities because they are harmful to us...His motivation is His great love for us." (again quoting the author) And she asks probing questions like, "In your marriage do you ever excuse wrong attitudes or behaviors by saying, "My husband will just have to accept it because that's just the way I am?"" Learning to be both sensible and temperate are attractive qualities that your husband will be thankful for and blessed by.

In Chapter 3 we talked about loving your husband and what that entailed. We read Song of Solomon 5:16 which says, "This is my lover, this is my friend..." And we talked about the meaning of phileo love. Phileo is "emotional in nature and cannot be commanded, but can be developed." It is also described as "fellowship love requiring enjoyable interaction through comradeship and communication." Which means we may not always feel those lovey, mushy feelings, and that it is going to take work to keep the flame of love alive.

Some practical ways we talked about showing this type of love to our husbands were:
*Going to sporting events with our husbands
*Accompanying him to his favorite stores, even if it's not where you like to shop (hardware/ electronic/sports equipment stores)
* Expressing sincere interest in how our husbands spend their time at work, making eye contact with him when he talks
* Joining him in projects around the house, "cheering" him on as he works
*Taking care of his daily needs such as making sure he has clean clothes, preparing meals that he likes, creating a home that is welcoming to him and allows him to relax

We also talked about "Loving at all times" (Proverbs 17:17) and making sure that we don't point out all of our husband's faults, only to ignore our own. (Matthew 7:1-5) "Nurturing a "phileo" relationship with our husband is often the catalyst that stirs him to become the man that God has called him to be," suggests the author. And what woman doesn't want that result? She also suggests that if we learn to love and accept our husbands as God created them that we in turn will "become women that God has called us to be."

Chapter 4, our last discussion, was on becoming "one flesh" with our husbands. We looked at a lot of scripture from Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs, whichever your bible says). We talked about who created the sexual relationship. We discovered that if God created it, then it must be good (Genesis 1:27-28, 31) and is for our enjoyment (Gen 24:67), not just procreation. However, we did also discover that in order for these things to be true we must regard the parameters around it and not go beyond the boundaries of those parameters or else we would experience harm to ourselves and others. The author reminds us that we should enjoy freedom and God's blessing in this area of our relationship with our husbands, even though Satan and many in the world have taken this gift in marriage and perverted it.

Some practical ways we talked about loving our husbands physically were:
*Wearing lingerie to bed that he likes or that is new
*Taking care of our physical appearance so that we continue to look attractive to him
*Wearing our hair that is in a style appealing to him/ clothes that are appealing to him (not constantly wearing our sweats and t-shirts!)

These things, we learned, are important not because of conceit or male chauvinism, but because God created our husbands to be visually stimulated. We can do much to help them battle the temptation they face (to look at other women with lust/desire) if we will only use the power we posses as women to remind them of where they can go to fulfill those desires! We then learned that arousing these feelings in another man is like taking advantage of him because we cannot righteously satisfy those desires. So we must be careful of how we act with other men (flirting) and what we wear around them.

We agreed that can really be a challenge when we want to look good for our husbands. I suggested that when going to church or out on a date or anywhere for that matter that you ask yourself (or even your husband), "Would this outfit cause a man to stumble? Does it allow him to focus on my face or will his eyes be drawn to other parts of my body?" This can be a difficult question to ask and still feel like you can wear "fun" and "attractive" clothes, but I think it can be done. Wearing modest clothes for others to see and then revealing yourself for your husband's enjoyment is a gift we often forget we have to give.
These lessons are restated in a fabulous book I read by Dennis and Barbara Rainey titled, "Rekindling The Romance." I have the highest of praise for this book because not only is it written in two sections, one for the husband and one for the wife, but the authors are candid and give great suggestions to an often hushed topic in Christian circles. I hope you will check it out!

a daughter of the King,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sibling Rivalry

Here is an article taken from about what to do with sibling rivalry. They started talking about it on their broadcast yesterday and are finishing it up today. Here is the link if you wish to listen as Dennis explains more in detail about these 25 ideas.
Some of them might surprise you. Remember you can download these for free or listen online if you miss their 9:30am broadcast on KPDQ 93.9. I know I will be listening!

Twenty-five Ways to Address Sibling Rivalry
by Dennis Rainey

Conflict is common to all human relationships, especially siblings. What do you do when it's occurring in your home? Consider trying some of the following tips with your children:

1. Model honor and respect as you relate to one another in marriage.
2. Avoid four traps: favoritism, denial, discouragement, and loss of focus – enemies parents need to fight.
3. Train them to ask for forgiveness when they hurt one another.
4. Train them to grant forgiveness.
5. Listen to both sides before coming to a judgment.
6. Let natural consequences occur.
7. Give up trying to prove who is the guilty party.
8. Don't expect children to be conflict free.
9. Give children alternatives – work it out or you'll have a privilege of a chore.
10. Have game plan ready in advance for a conflict zone (i.e. car, especially on a trip).
11. Use the children's conflicts to teach them to identify their emotions and to help them label what they feel.
12. Never lose sight of the goal as a parent. You are training them for relationships, character, and who God is.
13. Realize there's a difference about how genders solve sibling rivalry; boys are physical and girls are more verbal.
14. Recognize three types of sibling rivalry: verbal, physical, and relational.
15. Use grade cards with babysitters to encourage accountability and good behavior.
16. Be careful when your children, especially daughters, enter junior high years when cliques begin to occur.
17. Tie the consequence to the conflict; for example, if they borrowed something without asking, ban them from borrowing something for the next 30 days.
18. Don't solve the problem for them; teach them to solve it themselves.
19. Pray that you'll catch them.
20. Use Scripture to develop a penalty system.
21. Dads, don't let children wear your wife down and confuse her.
22. Occasionally, ask them to write out their problems and what they are feeling to their brothers or sisters.
23. Use sibling rivalry to teach them that God is still in control.
24. Create situations where both parties can express what they are feeling.
25. Ignore most of it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Encouragement when you feel weary

As moms we often feel like what we are doing- wiping bottoms, wiping noses, and making lunches- is not very significant. I know I have those days. But what we are really doing is nurturing eternal souls. Now that IS important! Here is part one of a two part series from Focus On The Family with guest speaker Dee Brestin. Her message will encourage you and make you laugh. I hope you find time to take a listen!

a daughter of the King,

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are you...angry?

I wanted to let you all in on a little secret. I have struggled with anger. And since I have become a mom that anger has sometimes been unleashed on my children. Sometimes it's been unleashed on my husband. Sometimes on my own self. Does this sound familiar to any of you? Maybe you struggle with controlling your anger? Or is your anger controlling you?

Here is a link to a broadcast Family Life Today aired earlier this month. It is called Battling Our Monster Desires. It is part one of a two part series in uprooting anger. It may help explain where your anger is coming from and how you can be victorious in the battle. I encourage you to take the time to listen during your kids naptime, after everyone is tucked in for the night or even on your ipod/mp3 player. This is one you don't want to miss!{5593F3ED-2925-4FFC-82D4-8F7C10060D09}&notoc=1

Remember these words as you surrender the issues that bring you to the boiling point and know that we live to serve a God who is overflowing with tender mercies and loving compassion!

Everyone needs compassion love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of a Saviour
The hope of nations

Saviour he can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as You find me all my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow everything I believe in
Now I surrender

Mighty To Save by Hillsong

a daughter of the King,


Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I have a list of resolutions written by a mom I want to share. She is an author that writes for Proverbs 31 Ministries. I read this last year and saw such wisdom in her words.

Real Resolutions for Moms
By Karen Ehman

“… But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13b-14 (ESV)

It’s that time when many of us are making New Year’s resolutions, so how about some resolutions for mothers? Here are mine:

I will put my Bible before the television, the radio, the telephone, and even before good Christian books, for my children will know my priorities by the way they see me spend my free time.

I will make my prayer requests known before God and my children, enlisting their help in the process and informing them of the outcome, for by letting them help when I petition our Lord will they learn of a living God who still answers prayer.

When times of crisis, conflict or confusion arise, I will hit my knees before I hit the phone knowing that by my example my children will discover that although friends are important, God alone is the one who holds the solution to life’s every problem.

I will erase the words “luck” and “lucky” from my vocabulary and will instead by my speech point my children toward the One who orchestrates every detail of our lives and brings all good things to pass, for by this my children will learn of an omniscient God.

When bad things happen, I’ll neither grumble nor complain, but will instead help my children see that in the scope of our lives even the bad times are allowed for a reason, for by this my children will learn quiet trust in their Maker.

When normal childhood mishaps occur, I will remember that although difficult, it is still easier to remove grape juice from off-white carpet than to erase harsh and unloving words hurled at a child whose chubby little fingers have failed her, for by this my children will see a God who understands when our best efforts fall short.

When my children have witnessed something ugly in me - unkind words, an angry temper, “harmless” gossip, biting sarcasm or even my infamous “mommy pout” when things don’t go my way - I will confess it as sin before them seeking their forgiveness, for by this my children will develop the much needed habit of wiping their spiritual slate clean before God and man.

I will teach my children the importance of cleanliness and order while at the same time remain sensitive to the fact that a skinned knee or hurt feeling is more crucial than a spotless floor or uncluttered counter, for by this my children will learn to value people above things.

I will make time for the lonely, the sick, the elderly, the difficult to love, and will bring my children along, for with each afternoon visit, each ride to the doctor, each raked lawn or washed window they will have opportunity to serve Jesus by serving the “least of these.”

I will make our home a haven of rest and retreat from the outside world and a welcomed place for my children’s friends, for with each impromptu backyard soccer game, each video viewed on a rainy day, each cup of hot cocoa or chocolate chip cookie, my children will have opportunity to practice the art of Christian hospitality thereby learning to share all God has given them.

I will by my actions and my speech let my children see a mom love their dad, for by this will my children sense family stability at a time when marriages all around them are crumbling.

I will not require of my children obedience, honesty, patience or kindness without first being willing to submit to the same rules whether in speed limit, in miscounted change from the grocery store or when answering a toddler for the fourteenth time, for by this my children will see a mother who is also learning and not a perfect parent to whom they’ll never measure up.

In all things will I remember that more is caught than is taught.

There are little eyes upon you, mom. You are the first Bible your children will ever read.

Dear Lord, may my goals this year spring from a right relationship with You and may carrying them out point others heavenward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.