Friday, December 4, 2009

The countdown has begun!

Christmas is coming and faster than you think! Doesn't it always seem to happen that way? We think we have still have enough time to decorate the house, put up lights, bake those cookies, send out Christmas cards, shop for and wrap the gifts.... Now you know what's going on in my head these days!

I had a great conversation with a friend the other day about all those "stressers" I was feeling and the disappointment I felt in feeling stressed! I don't want to lose the feelings of wonder and magic that accompany preparing for Christmas. She gave me the most simple answer in just four words. "You need to pray."

I admit that with all of the pitter patter of little feet going on in my house these days I am not finding much time to be on my knees. Oh I talk to God all day long ("Please, Lord, please help me not to strangle my child for the mess she has just made!"), but it's not the kind of peaceful, attentive prayer that every mom should have at least once a day. The kind where we listen for our Savior's voice.

Preparing for Christmas is a great time to remember that we should be doing just that. Finding time to be still and listen. You can do it by waking up just 5 minutes earlier than usual, in the shower, while the kids are busy with an activity or even nap/quiet time. Just find a time during the day to "fall on your knees" and seek his voice. He came to earth thousands of years ago to meet us where we were. I think he will do the same for us today.