Friday, December 26, 2008

A Belated Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating Jesus' birth with friends and family. If you are continuing to celebrate today or into the weekend I pray it is a very special time for you and one where you find true rest and peace. Isn't it wonderful that we have already learned from our study where that comes from? I pray we can share that with others who aren't so sure.

I'm sure I am not alone when I say that it has been a crazy year for our family. With the snow and ice we have had several family members cancel their trips to see us and had to re-arrange most of our Christmas plans. Usually by this time in the season we are way "Christmased out" and our children have opened way too many gifts. In fact they don't even seem to enjoy it anymore. My Christmas cards are typically arriving at the homes of our far away family and friends and my house is a disaster from dumping off the gifts of one family gathering before we head off to the next. And we have usually been blessed by several church services filled with carols and sermons reminding us about the true meaning of Christmas.

But this year the snow has changed all of that. And actually in some surprising ways. It has allowed us more breathing room between celebrations. Our children have enjoyed opening their gifts and time with family members who are usually the last on our route into the New Year. We were able to spend a few days baking and wrapping gifts as a family instead of the usual last minute, late night mad dash. And although I didn't order my Christmas cards until December 24th, I am reminded that even Christ's entrance into the world wasn't perfectly ordered and neatly arranged. He came in the chaos. He was born in a lowly stable next to cows and sheep. He slept his first night in a feeding trough for the animals. And yet it was all in God's plan. It was done that way for a reason.

So I can cope with the craziness. I can forgive the inconveniences of the snow and ice. I can adjust to the quiet I usually beg for. And I will still get those cards out...someday. It may not be all how I wanted and planned, but amidst the disappointments and unfamiliarity I trust in the purpose and plan of God. A God who knew to send his Son in a way that was not untouchable for even "the least of these." A God who knew that if the circumstances were perfect and the entrance more grand we might never feel like we could connect our lives to His. A God who knew that in times of uncertainty and craziness is where we'll find Him with gifts of peace and rest.

Thank you God... Happy Birthday Jesus!

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