Friday, October 30, 2009

How does God want us to train our children?

This is sooo timely. There has been another great series airing on the radio and via podcast from Family Life. It is on the topic of parenting from birth through the "early years" and it addresses everything that has to do with training and discipline from a biblical perspective. Even the topic of spanking, which is part of our next bible study lesson. (Which is why I am so excited about the timing on this!) In fact it is a series that they have made into a video for small group studies. I think it would be awesome to do with other couples. Here is the link to the broadcasts. There are five in the series.

As always, I encourage you to sit down with your spouse and tackle these, one or two at a time in the evenings when kids are tucked in for the night. What a great way to discuss the issues of parenting that can be so hard to find time for or know how to initiate. This will be worth your time, I promise!

I pray that we will continuously seek the Lord and his Word for guidance as we train our children to serve and love him also.

Now...go listen!! (smile)