Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good Mom, Bad Mom

There is a link to a great website with devotionals down on the right hand side. It is a link to Proverbs 31 Ministries. Here is the link for today's devotional-
A good friend of mine sent this to me and others via email this morning and I thought it was so good I wanted to make sure everyone was able to read it. I have enjoyed many of the Proverbs 31 devotionals and I encourage you to take 15 mins out of each day to read them and ask for God's wisdom, strength and grace in your life as you raise your little (and bigger!) ones.

Let's also be praying for tender hearts as we gear up for bible study next week. And that we will allow the Lord to speak to each of us and teach us as we study His word. Praying for all of you today!

a daughter of the King,

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